for the millions of you that have posted on facebook, twitter and all other social media outlets (are there others? haha) how much hate you have in your heart for valentine's day... SHAME ON YOU!
methinks thou doth protest too much. translated to regular english: it seems to me like you are a bitter, scorned, angry person whose sole purpose this day is to ruin a day that is supposed to be about love and candy hearts and chocolate and ferret-worshipping (for me, anyway). what is wrong with you people?!
who cares if it's a hallmark holiday? if it's "fake?"
people are ritualized beings. they need holidays and celebrations to grow closer together. so, get off your BAHHUMBAG soap box, sit your ass down and come eat some chocolate. all the celebrities are doing it...
i was browsing my usual blogs that i stalk... i mean, follow... when i came across this post from eggton she discusses the 3 craziest valentine's day presents... one of which is that for $10, you can name your own madagascar hissing cockroach at the bronx zoo.
as you all know, i recently moved to a super awesome duplex in the m streets. and with this super awesome duplex came free cockroaches (!!!). i know, i'm a lucky, lucky girl. so, being the marketing maven i am, i clearly saw the moneymaking opportuntity... $85 will get you your very own dallas cockroach (complete with a miniature louis vuitton clutch which may or may not be fake and a bleach blonde giant mess of hair sized perfectly for your roach's head). for an additional $50, i'll even catch the little sucker and write a message of up to ten words in glittery nail polish on his back. oh, happy valentine's day, eh?
move quickly and purchase your roach now as i have a limited supply.
unless those little buggars get in the v-day spirit and start procreating!
so, happy valentine's day... try to enjoy it and quit being so dang negative all the time, people!
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